User告知網路無法使用,看了Switch的狀況後,發現那個Port的狀態是Error Disable,接著又看了Switch的log
Feb 8 12:14:14 TW: %DHCP_SNOOPING-5-DHCP_SNOOPING_UNTRUSTED_PORT: DHCP_SNOOPING drop message on untrusted port, message type: DHCPNAK, MAC sa: 2c56.dc86.xxxx
Feb 8 12:15:49 TW: %DHCP_SNOOPING-5-DHCP_SNOOPING_UNTRUSTED_PORT: DHCP_SNOOPING drop message on untrusted port, message type: DHCPNAK, MAC sa: 2c56.dc86.xxxx
Feb 8 12:18:00 TW: %ETHCNTR-3-LOOP_BACK_DETECTED: Keepalive packet loop-back detected on FastEthernet0/10.
Feb 8 12:18:00 TW: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: loopback error detected on Fa0/10, putting Fa0/10 in err-disable state
Feb 8 12:18:01 TW: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/10, changed state to down
Feb 8 12:18:02 TW: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/10, changed state to down
不過因為那個User比較特殊,先教育了一下之後,再把那個Port shutdown , no shutdown,接著把Recovery設了上去,下次如果再遇到相同狀況,10分鐘後會自動恢復
xxxxx#show errdisable detect
ErrDisable Reason Detection status
----------------- ----------------
udld Enabled
bpduguard Enabled
security-violatio Enabled
channel-misconfig Enabled
psecure-violation Enabled
dhcp-rate-limit Enabled
unicast-flood Enabled
vmps Enabled
pagp-flap Enabled
dtp-flap Enabled
link-flap Enabled
gbic-invalid Enabled
loopback Enabled
xxxxx(config)#errdisable recovery cause loopback
xxxxx(config)#errdisable recovery interval 600
xxxxx#show errdisable recovery
ErrDisable Reason Timer Status
----------------- --------------
udld Disabled
bpduguard Disabled
security-violatio Disabled
channel-misconfig Disabled
vmps Disabled
pagp-flap Disabled
dtp-flap Disabled
link-flap Disabled
psecure-violation Disabled
gbic-invalid Disabled
dhcp-rate-limit Disabled
unicast-flood Disabled
loopback Enabled
Timer interval: 600 seconds
Interfaces that will be enabled at the next timeout: