

目前顯示的是 2月, 2016的文章


~~考題~~ 題目如下: Hyper-V的Server,裡面有2台VM(原本還有做AD Domain,DFS,DNS,在這裡就先略過),分別為Win2012與Win7,都是全新安裝的狀態 ,而Hyper-V的Server接在L2 Switch的FA 0/1,要做以下設定 *VM1: Windows 2012 R2(DHCP) IP: GW: DHCP Server 發放IP範圍 *VM2: Windows7(自動取得IP) 要取得192.168.200.0/24網段的IP Switch: L3 Switch要做VLAN的Routing 反正最後就是要Win7可以取得IP,並且Ping到Server 解答: L2 Switch設定: 新增VLAN 199,200 要確認Port FA 0/1, FA 0/24 有沒有形成Trunk L3 switch設定: (中間有一些設定已略過) Core-3750# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration : 4114 bytes ! -----------中間略過-------------------------- ! ! ! ! no aaa new-model switch 1 provision ws-c3750g-24t system mtu routing 1546 ip routing no ip domain-lookup ! vlan internal allocation policy ascending ! ! ! ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q  switchport mode trunk ! -----------中間略過-------------------------- ! interface Vlan1  no ip addres...

Cisco Switch 發生Loopback

User告知網路無法使用,看了Switch的狀況後,發現那個Port的狀態是Error Disable,接著又看了Switch的log Feb  8 12:14:14 TW: %DHCP_SNOOPING-5-DHCP_SNOOPING_UNTRUSTED_PORT: DHCP_SNOOPING drop message on untrusted port, message type: DHCPNAK, MAC sa: 2c56.dc86.xxxx Feb  8 12:15:49 TW: %DHCP_SNOOPING-5-DHCP_SNOOPING_UNTRUSTED_PORT: DHCP_SNOOPING drop message on untrusted port, message type: DHCPNAK, MAC sa: 2c56.dc86.xxxx Feb  8 12:18:00 TW: %ETHCNTR-3-LOOP_BACK_DETECTED: Keepalive packet loop-back detected on FastEthernet0/10. Feb  8 12:18:00 TW: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: loopback error detected on Fa0/10, putting Fa0/10 in err-disable state Feb  8 12:18:01 TW: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/10, changed state to down Feb  8 12:18:02 TW: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/10, changed state to down 應該是User私接設備,除了造成Loopback之外,又在隨便發放IP....... 不過因為那個User比較特殊,先教育了一下之後,再把那個Port shutdown , no shutdown,接著把Recovery設了上去,下次如果再遇到相同狀況,10分鐘後會自動恢復 xxx...